Burlington Creek & Riverside Pump Station Replacement Interceptor
City of Kansas City, Missouri
Environmental Advisors and Engineers, Inc. (EAE) contracted with KC Water to conduct a $293,000 preliminary design study to evaluate alternatives for improvements for two sewerage pump stations located north of the Missouri River - Burlington Creek and Riverside Pump Stations. The focus of the preliminary study was to identify three alternatives for improvement. Based upon the results of this study, KC Water selected an alternative that will replace the pump stations with new interceptor sewers that will convey wastewater to an existing larger pump station located downstream.
EAE was selected for the $1.7 million Final Design project.
The scope of work includes design of 5,600 LF of 30-inch and 2,700 LF of 18-inch interceptor sewer. The sewers cross under a United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Federal Levee, Missouri Department of Transportation (MODOT) Highway-9 (MO Hwy-9) and Burlington North Santa Fe (BNSF) Railroad. The design was complicated since it had to accommodate multiple requirements established by KC Water and the aforementioned agencies. In addition, EAE has worked closely with the City of Riverside since the proposed sewers are located within the city limits of Riverside. This is because KC Water has a special operational agreement with the City of Riverside to maintain and operate their sewer system. EAE has worked with all stakeholders to assure the design meets or exceeds established requirements.
EAE has completed 90% Design. The 90% Design plans have been submitted to KC Water for review and approval. EAE has also submitted a 408 Permit Application to USACE and a utility crossing permit to BNSF Railroad for review and approval. This project will require easement acquisition from various property owners. EAE has developed easement descriptions and exhibits for the acquisitions. In addition, EAE is working with representatives from KC Water and City of Riverside to schedule meetings with impacted property owners to finalize acquisitions. The project is currently on-schedule. Construction of this project is currently scheduled for fiscal year 2024.
Conducted an extensive condition assessment of the Burlington Creek Pump Station (BCPS) and Riverside Pump Station (RSPS) and of associated force mains.
Conducted a flow metering study to establish average daily dry-weather and peak wet-weather flows. As a result of this study, it was determined a significant amount of the peak flows are a result of I/I into the system. The study provided designers a high confidence level that final design would have sufficient capacity to for anticipated peak flows.
Conducted watershed analysis and population projections to predict future flows. This analysis, along with the flow metering analysis clearly indicated that BCPS and RSPS were undersized for future demands, which required costly upgrades.
City of Kansas City, Missouri
Water Services Department
John Reddy
Karine Papikian
Water Services Department
4800 East 63rd Street
Kansas City, MO 64130
Julie Finn
Chris Davis
Nicole Milliman
Clinton Wyatt
Deb English
Preliminary Design - Evaluation of three alternatives for improvements to pump stations
Final Design - Construction of new gravity sewer interceptors to replace the pump stations.
Project site is located within the Riverside Quindaro Bend Levee District. Coordination (and in some case approvals) required with Levee District, USACE, MoDOT, BNSF Railroad, City of Riverside, and private property owners (for easement acquisition).
Sanitary Sewer Pump Stations
Gravity Interceptor Sewers